How to Use D-Seal®

Fast, predictable time to hemostasis with reduced hold times.

D-Seal® Topical Hemostatic Pad Application

  1. Open the D-Seal® pouch.
  2. Cover puncture sites with D-Seal® pads, colored side up, and apply firm pressure.
  3. Pads may be placed over the catheter prior to their removal or placed directly over puncture sites after the catheters are removed.
  4. After catheters are removed, maintain firm pressure.
  5. Continue to apply pressure over puncture sites until hemostasis is achieved, then slowly release, leaving the D-Seal® pads in place.
  6. Place dry gauze over D-Seal® pads and cover with appropriate dressings.
  7. Within 24 hours, the D-Seal® pads can be soaked with water and gently removed.


RX only. For sale by or on the order of a physician only. For indications, precautions and complications, see IFU download (right).

D-Seal® Application Video